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Girls Leading Girls Tennis is a synergistic mentorship program geared toward the next generation of women.  With mentorship, hands on experience, and the support from a group of girls, we will get more young girls participating in tennis, sticking with the sport, and becoming great leaders.


To provide an environment for girls to develop a passion for tennis, and a pathway to foster strong leadership skills.


To create a synergistic program that encourages female teen players to continue to play tennis and mentor new  female tennis players.


To inspire and empower female youth to become strong leaders, and encourage them to play and stay in sports.

Girls Leading Girls (GLG) Tennis was founded  to promote three goals regarding tennis for females:


  1. to support our current performance level teenage players;

  2. to increase the base of younger tennis players; and

  3. to appeal especially to those younger girls, who, for a variety of reasons, are not traditionally drawn to tennis.  


We see a great deal of opportunity for these groups to support one another. 


Our non-profit program encourages our teenage players to keep playing and to inspire them to help mentor new players. The players, ages 13 to 17, voluntarily lead classes to new  9-to-10 year-olds not typically socialized into playing tennis.  


The goals of GLG Tennis are twofold and synergistic:  to continue to grow to reach more female players in the community, and to continue supporting and providing leadership opportunities to female players.

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© 2022 Girls Leading Girls Tennis 


We use the term "girls" which refers to gender expansive youth (cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender no-conforming youth, gender queer youth, and any girl-identified youth).

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